Keep track of your personal or business finances and mantain a control on your expenses, income and budget. Unlimited accounts and categories powered by AJAX to provide a better user experience.
Keep track of all your expenses and income
Set your own currency (USD $, EUR €, GBP £...)
Simple and intuitive user interface
See totals and summaries for your income, outcome and balance
Define which user groups (access levels) can add entries
AJAX powered for fast loading and interaction
Keep track of your personal or business finances and maintain a control on your expenses, income and budget. Unlimited accounts and categories powered by AJAX to provide a better user experience.
Keep track of your personal or business finances and maintain a control on your expenses, income and budget. Unlimited accounts and categories powered by AJAX to provide a better user experience.Manage your expenses
Powered by Acvilla
Keep track of all your expenses and income, manage your budget for your business or your personal finances, all right in your site.
Create multiple independent accounts for different users and rule them all with a single or some manager users.
Keep all the relevant information of the expenses together with a lot of fields such as tax, external ref, description, attachments...
Create recurring expenses to automate your expense creation process and let the system do all the repetitive tasks for you.
Assign the invoices to real users in your site so they can see their invoice records online and print them if necessary.
Define which user groups (access levels) can add entries into Expense Manager and which can view all users expenses. Allow your collaborators to input their expenses.
Recieve e-mail notifications when a user creates or updates an expense to see all its details.
Define the taxes when creating a new expense. Display this info for the expenses or not.
Graphic Statistics and reports with Content Statisics (sold separately)